Well, it's April Fools day and I feel like the universe is spoofing me by my littlest girl turning FOUR MONTHS OLD. But sadly, it's true.
I return to work on Monday, and I have to say, leaving this little sweet pea is going to be hard.
Well, hard may be an understatement. More like gut wrenching. For some crazy reason I thought it'd be easier the second time around, but boy was I wrong.
I was having a glass of wine with a friend yesterday and we were talking about how God presents us with challenges so we can grow. I'm going thru alot mentally & emotionally to prepare for yet another life change, another challenge. Starting a brand new job and leaving not one, but two babies.
So, God, I have to say; I'm good on the challenge front for awhile.
Sadie June: By The Month
Sadie is.....Four Months Old!
Sadie Weighs .....Still sitting around that 12-13 lb mark
Sadie's Height.....??
Sadie is Wearing.....She's still fitting into SOME 0-3 month items, but mostly 3-6 month or 6 month clothes.
Sadie is Sleeping....Eh, it's hit or miss. Both she and Lara go to bed around 7:30-8:00 which gives Jon and I a few hours of alone time before we hit the hay. The past few nights, Sadie wakes up around 4 and wants a bottle. However for the most part, she sleeps until 6:30ish most nights.
For the record, I have no idea how we ended up with two good sleepers, but I'm not complaining!
Sadie is Eating.....5-6 oz every 3 to 4 hours
Sadie Loves.....her big sis. She smiles and giggles the loudest when she's playing with Lara.
Sadie Hates....being hungry. But seriously, don't we all?
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