If you've been following along for awhile now, you know I'm no stranger to my local antique stores. It's far & away Jon & I's FAVORITE thing to do on a Saturday afternoon.
You know how some people get a high from doing really scary things like skydiving?
Well, we get high from this.

As of late, I've been on the hunt for a few pieces to compliment two empty walls behind our dining room table. When I saw these two panes for around $10 bucks a piece, it was love at first sight.
They were in definite need of some TLC (most are), but I was happy to give 'em some love.
Since our walls in our living room are striped two different tones, we painted the panes the contrasting color from the stripes. Lucky us, we had some paint leftover from our striping project I wanted to rip my hair out project so we were able to save some $$$$ there.
And hey, I always dig that.
We taped them off & painted both.
I then used a razor blade to shave off the nastiness that had accumulated over the years. Once I completed this step, I hit a faux brick WALL.
I just could NOT decide what to do with them!
I searched Pinterest for inspiration & just wasn't digging anything I saw.
There's nothing wrong with these ideas, in fact, I love 'em.
But they just didn't seem to fit for our home.
So I pinned my own.
I tampered around with a few different looks & finally decided on this one.
With all the windows we have in our living room, I figured why not add a few more.
Once they were ready to hang.....the real project began.
1.) Window Pane
2.) Lace Curtain Panel (Walmart)
3.) Hot Glue Gun
4.) Command Strips
And my favorite....
5.) A handsome gentleman to hold them up while you decide where to hang 'em
A few notes; I did have to trim the panels to size, so keep that in mind. Also, I chose to use hot glue because quite frankly, I use hot glue for everything. Some call it lazy. I call it resourceful.
If you don't have a hot glue gun, you could use just about anything to attach the curtain to the panel.
Haven't decided on the style of tie-backs I want to go with.
I'm sure that'll be another 3 months in the making.
But hey, at least the panes are finally up.
And you should too.