Wow. Been a super long time since I sat down in front of the computer, preparing to blog. Kind of an intimidating feeling when you've been away for SO long. It's like a relationship. You see the person everyday, and the days when you don't see them, you're still thinking about them. And then, all of the sudden, 3 months pass. I feel like I'm on a first date. With my own blog. Weird, I know.
Hopefully we kiss at the end.
Ok, phew, where do I begin. First, let me explain. When we bought out home, we struggled finding an internet/cable provider as our home is considered to be in somewhat of a "rural" area. We called Comcast to try and set up new service & were told they do not service our area. After a few additional calls, we ended up going with dish & some terribly slow internet service called Century Link. Our frickin' internet speed was 1mbs.
Just opening up blogger took about 10 frickin' minutes. Trying to add a photo? Excruciating painful.
Finally, I just gave up & quit blogging.
Then one day, our neighbor mentions that he has Comcast.
We called them back, and sure as shit, they DO service our house. The idiot who we spoke with didn't spell our street name correct.
Mind you, we live on Lake Road 12. How you misspell that is beyond me.
Regardless, we now have Comcast & have now entered the 21st century.
Now, let's get caught up. The past three months I've.................
Celebrating birthdays...our nephew, Wyatt, turned ONE!
Time with some of my FAVORITE ladies!!
LOTS of parties, including our 4th of July bash!! Pinterest & I became VERY close that week.
My favorite part....THE BOAT PARADE!!
Jon said goodbye to his career in the golf industry in July & started a new career in sales with the same company I work for,
TriDeltas, sisters for life. Coming together to say goodbye to a dear friends father.
Fuck Cancer.
We wrecked our first little boat & almost sunk it. Boy was that an adventure!
So, we took advantage & upgraded a bit.
The first of September we celebrated a very special anniversary.
We celebrated our one year anniversary in our home!
Mid-September, we went to the Flatlands Festival here in KC and had a fantastic time!!
Turns our, we won suite tickets.
Amazing, yes?
The next day, we took off to Nashville for a week. Jon & I were scheduled at some training together & we lived up every free second we had!
And then. I died my hair dark. I mean, that's the only appropriate way to welcome fall, right?
Phew. That's a wrap, folks.
The past three months of our life in a nutshell.
Afternoons on the lake, friends, hosting parties, time with my TriDelta's, concerts, family, birthdays, hair dye....and more time on the lake.
In saying all of that, I am SO excited that fall is finally here! I spent this past weekend getting the house Halloween-ified. Follow along in Instagram (@annexenos) to see how things turned out!
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, I'd like to end with this photo.
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen this post awhile back. While at The Flatlands Festival, Jon & I came across this vendor & IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE. Jon is a big hunter & if you know me at all, you know I've had quite the journey with my "rack" over the past couple years.
Needless to say, we didn't think twice about purchasing these.
Pink Rack Project donates a portion of their proceeds to individuals directly affected by the breast cancer. For instance, if a family can't afford to pay their mortgage due to the cost of chemo treatments that mom is undergoing, The Pink Rack Project will pay their mortgage for them.
Super awesome, right!!??
Do good.