Thursday, May 23, 2013

What do I do.....

Being fashionably late has always been a trademark of mine.  So it's only appropriate that I jump on the "Blog Everyday in May" challenge with a mere 11 days left in the month. 

Blogging for me lately has become stressful. I've been beating myself up almost everyday for my lack of enthusiasm about sitting down & putting pen on paper typing up a post. 
I always vowed to myself that I would NOT force myself to become a blogger that I am not. 

Let me explain.

I love to talk clothes, I love to look at clothes, I love to buy clothes.  I love everything about fashion.  But bringing that to my blog?  Just not my gig. 

I love food.  I love to cook food, I love to savor food, I love to stuff my face with food.  But again, just not something I'm interested in writing about.

I've been struggling lately to figure out what exactly my blogging "style" is.  I mean, what the hell do I actually write about? 

When I mull thru the last year or so's posts, It occurred to me how different I am now than when I started this journey to become a blogger. The content was light.   I tried too hard to be funny. I cussed way too much.  But most of all, my posts weren't purposeful.


That's what I want my blogging "style" to be. 

When I write, I write for myself but if I'm being totally honest, I also write for you. I want my readers to enjoy what I have to say, and I'm hopeful you do. 

I've missed you all these past few months.  I know I haven't been the best reader & I can feel that distance growing in some of the relationships I've formed over this past year.  And that makes me sad.

I don't know where this blog will go or for how long, but for now, I'm here.


That felt good.

Moving on.

Thanks to Jenni, I felt inspired to take on a few of her ideas for the blog everyday in May challenge.
I'm sure this will take me well into June & hey even July.
Don't judge me.
Day 6, Monday: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question,
'what do you do'?

I find fun in the ordinary.
I'm a fun finder.
I am a firm believer that wine can make just about any task enjoyable.  So, bring on the vino.
Have you ever tried cleaning your house while enjoying a bottle glass of wine?
Try it.
Cleaning your toilet will become fun.
I enjoy getting dirty sometimes.  I think it's fun to dig out weeds & create a garden. 
I think it's fun to run so hard that I think I'm dying.
I think it's fun to pull fire alarms.  Until you get caught.
I think it's fun to sit on the patio with Jon, on a Tuesday evening, doing nothing.
Fun is falling asleep with Belle on the couch on a Sunday afternoon.
Playing hide & seek with my nephews? 
Now that's super frickin' fun.
Life is fucking beautiful, and if you think otherwise,
slap yourself in the face & change your attitude.
Become a fun finder.
And thank me later.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Definition of SABBATICALsabbaticalnoun

1:  a break or change from a normal routine (as of employment)


And that's exactly what I've done, in many aspects of my life.


These past few weeks, something had to give in order for me to maintain my sanity. 
And sadly, it was le blog.


You know that saying in which people tend to mistreat certain people in their life because they know those people will be the first to forgive? 

Well, my friends, please forgive me for being absent.


I have felt nothing short of a juggler this month. 
I've been training at the new place, then back at the old job to train my replacement and now finally full time in my new position as of Monday. 

It's been a whirlwind. 


And honestly, more of an emotional whirlwhind than I expected.  Last Friday was my last day in my previous position and I had to fight back tears on my drive in.  Things have been moving so quickly that I hadn't taken any time to actually feel  

And Friday. I finally felt.

And there were tears. And there was beer...and then wine...which led to Karaoke. So all in all, I'd day I bid a great farewell to an even greater chapter of my life.

I made some beautiful friendships over these past couple years, and for that I'll forever be thankful.

I was at a marketing event the other morning and happened to be listening to a presentation on streamlining work flow. Oddly enough, the first slide boast this quote:

“Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.” --Sydney J Harris

I always try to embrace change like I would an old friend. With a huge smile & open arms. But lets be honest, change can really suck ass sometimes.

It's scary. It's overwhelming. It's new. It's unknown.

Its also exhilarating & challenging.

But most of all....

It's growth. And that's a feeling I love.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Breast Reduction: One Year Later

I made one of the biggest decisions of my life.
Pun fully intended.
I got a breast reduction.

I'll never forget that morning. 
We left the house before the crack of dawn & I knew when I returned,
my tata's would be half the size.

Best feeling ever.

Growing up with enormous knockers was fun at first. I hadn't discovered booze yet, so I was super tiny with these ginormous breasts.
But then, I stepped on the basketball court and realized that running proved to be dangerous task.
I mean, mine could've knocked me out if I didn't strap 'em down well enough.

Needless to say, joining the track team was out of the question.

This past year has been a year of firsts. 
My first trip to Victoria's Secret.
My first (of many) 5k's.
My first time wearing a sundress with no bra!

And the list goes on & on....

But my favorite moment of this past year was when I received this email from a reader.

This is the reason I shared my journey with you.

My fears, my excitement, my pain....all of it.
I shared my journey with the hope of helping someone have the courage to take the leap &
never look back. 

I haven't heard from Cassandra since, but I'm hopeful she's enjoying a year of "firsts" as I have.