Disclaimer: I will not be giving away a car or sending you to Tahiti at the end of this post.
.....or will I?
I've said it before , & I'll say it again; I loooove the inspiration I find during my weekly blog reads. It's like I have 2000 yeah right more like 150 sisters, spread out all over the United States. I love finding home décor inspiration, delectable new recipes, beauty product reviews & need I mention Pinterest?
Since I'm nearing my one year blogoversary I figured why not share some of my favorite finds & products from this past year, with you!
So without further adieu....
Welcome to Oprah's Anne's Favorite Things.
Let's get right to the good stuff. Food.
My favorite recipe blog, Skinnytaste.

And cue the mouth watering.....now.
Next time you sit down to write up your little grocery list, whip out your computer & head on over to Skinnytaste.com.
Hearty & Healthy.
My favorite beauty products:
When I first started blogging, I tried hosting my own link up called Kiss & Makeup Mondays. I had about 0.5 followers so needless to say, it failed. Miserably. But hey, I didn't walk away empty handed. I sampled a gazillion products week after week & ended up finding my core faves.
My favorite iPhone apps:
This past year, a fellow blogger got me inspired to get my ass in gear & hit the pavement and I tell you what, there's no way in H.E.L.L. I could have done it without the 5k Runner app (iPhone). If you've heard how amazing the CouchTo5K program is, those people weren't lying.
This is one bandwagon you REALLY need to jump on.
Thank me later.
And your ass will too.
And while we're on the topic of running, thanks to some fabulous advice from Amber, I snagged myself a pair of these bad boys & haven't looked back.
My favorite brand of running shoes:
I hate you shin splints. I love you Aasic's.
And my wallet does too.
The best $80 doll hairs I've ever spent.
Moving on.
My favorite Pinterest inspiration to date:
I know, I know. From my super fun homemade burlap wreaths to my spray painted ice skate centerpiece, I chose the wheelbarrow full of bones.
I had a ball decorating the house for the holidays thanks to the one & only Pinterest, but this fun display totally takes the cake for me.
Simple & hilarious.
Which leads me into my favorite link up from this past year...

Love it.
Week after week there is ZERO shortage of inspiration via
Katie & Steph's weekly SPD link party.
And last but not least......
My favorite place to shop, or should I say "shops?"
The one & only Etsy.

There's something so neat about supporting the creative community all across the world.
I SO LOVE perusing the shops in search of those one of a kind homemade pieces to call my own.
I SO LOVE perusing the shops in search of those one of a kind homemade pieces to call my own.
And today, I'm sending one lucky reader shopping in the world's most badass marketplace.
It may not be a Car (damn you Oprah), but it's the next best thing.
Am I right or am I right?!
Hi lady! New reader here! I just have to say that I love the name of your blog :)
I just found some adorable doggie bow ties the other night that Floyd has now put on his birthday wish list that I would totally get him!
Great giveaway and we have so many of the same favorites! Asaics, big sexy, skinnytaste!
BIG SEXY is my favorite too! Obviously, because we are bloggy BFF's. I would buy some hand stamped jewelry with Dane's intials on them to wear on my right hand. I know, a little nauseating, right? LOVE THIS GIVEAWAY!
p.s. I'm going to Sarah's the last weekend in Feb!
Love reviews of products. I have ended up trying way more products when I know other people like them. :-)
Oops I forgot to say that I would get an anniversary card for my husband. Their are some hilarious cards on there!
girl. you have the cutest blog ever. And you know what? I never actually bought anything from Etsy! But I'm sure I would have fun looking! :) Love you!
I would love to buy some pretty earrings.
Adorable!! I love finding new blogs and inspiration!! I can't get enough! oh and etsy totally is the best, I ordered something this morning :)
New reader to your blog! :) I'd use the giftcard for some upcoming wedding shower gifts for friends!
Asics are the BEST running shoes ever! And I won't spray anything in my hair unless it's out of a big red spray can :). Your blog is adorable, I can't wait to start reading through it!
hello Oprah sooo nice to meet you! ;) Um, I'd buy any of the 20 items that are currently still in my cart waiting to be purchased. :) Maybe a home sign! love it!
Hi there I'm a new follower from Shades of Gray and a Pinch of Pink. I love the name of your blog and I look forward to reading more of it! I've never bought anything on etsy before but I've been looking at some day planners on there so I'd probably get one of those.
First of all.. anyone who says doll hairs is all right by me. My sister and I say that ALL the time.
Also, i'm planning my wedding and singlehandedly buying out half the Etsy shops I find, so a gift card would put a nice dent in my decor shopping!
New follower!
i was really hoping to scroll down & see your face pasted onto Oprah's body = ) i have just recently started ordering things from Etsy & love it !
Love those Big Sexy Hair products!
Skinnytaste is my favorite - can't wait for her cookbook! I'm in desperate need of some new workout kicks, need to check out Asics. If I won your awesome giveaway I'd use it to get a new return address personalized stamp, need a new one since we moved :)
hey girl, I have some of the hairspray you LOVE and not a huge fan of it myself (didn't know if you'd want it?!?). It's brand new, only used it 2x. Love you and Love your blog!
Well, I just ordered a unicorn hoodie the other day. & I pinned about 500 others things I'd like...necklaces, tshirts, baking supplies. The possibilities are endless, really.
I've been eyeing up a personalized leather dopp kit for the hubs. It's our third wedding anniversay this year (thus the leather)!
I've been looking into getting another new Nook cover from etsy.
I think I'd have to add some more monogrammed stuff to my life if I win! :)
Congrats of almost 1 year of blogging!!! High five, sister!!! I need to by a fascinator hat for a shower!!! Pick me, please! ;)
Oh I've seen tons of stuff on etsy I'd clam in a heartbeat!! We got a lot of our wedding stuff from there! And, they have blog designs too!!
I'm trying to start a gallery wall in my living room. SO, I'd love to peruse Etsy for some art.
Penniless Socialite
I would love to buy a monogrammed pullover from Etsy. I would love to buy ANYTHING monogrammed, lol. Great blog, btw.
What a great list! I found your blog through the Hunter Boots giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you! Happy Valentine's Day!
Sparkles and Shoes
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