Holy Birthay Batman. I'm worn out from the marathon celebration, Lord knows how my poor husband must feel.
Last night he made us some Lobster tails & when I tried to give him the bigger one he refused to take it because it was (albeit the end) still my "Birthday Week." Poor guy.
He's going to need birthday rehab to recover from the past 7 days.
He was a two time breakfast in bed chef....
Heart felt gift giver, A fantastic dinner date three nights in a row & and he became a wine guzzler connoisseur Saturday afternoon at the winery in which he polished off his first bottle of wine,
ALL on his own. My babies all grown up.
But I gotta say, he didn't come out empty handed. He's a big time Justin Moore fan so I surprised him with tickets to the Outlaw Tour coming to Kansas City in March.
I just love this picture of Jon when he was a little tot!
Added the text with my iPhone app, got it printed & made it into a card.
Needless to say, he was pretty stoked.
In fact he requested we have the card up on display in our living room.
And it's still there, 5 days later.
We wrapped up Valentines Day with a heart shaped pizza that I burnt the hell out of, then the Birthday festivities began!
Carnival wished me a Happy Birthday...but no free cruise?
Cheap asses.
I mean, their boat broke down in the Gulf of Mexico. The least they could do is give free cruises to all of America. Side note, did anyone else think some of those passengers on the stranded ship were being a little dramatic about the whole ordeal? They complained that Carnival opened the bar up while stranded at sea. C'mon folks. If I was stranded at sea and had to urinate in a bag, the least they could do would be to provide free booze.
Moving on.
We had a WONDERFUL dinner Friday night with both sets of parents at
Jon & I's favorite local Thai Place.
It truly filled my heart to have everyone there to celebrate with!
Top the evening off with my own set of pink tools. Double score.
Saturday morning we took off to Excelsior Springs, the town where
we got married a couple years ago.
I still get butterflies pulling up to the resort.
We got checked in & took off to their quaint little downtown strip to enjoy the afternoon.
We spent the last few afternoon hours at The Mercantile Winery where had our rehearsal dinner. The owner, Daphne is always so gracious to us when we show up....big hugs & all.
Reason #78690 why I'm so thankful we wed in such a small town.
And for the record, if we were pregnant, I SO would've bought that Vino Bambino Onesie.
Or did I?
But I did score this little beauty. A wreath filled with wine corks.
Hell to the yes.
After we had polished off a couple bottles of wine, we headed back to The Elms for some
Hottie Toddies & Hot Tub Time.
Only to end the day with a little stroll down to the Gazebo where our ceremony was held.
Cue Goosebumps.
And yes, I definitely played Train's Marry Me on my iPhone while strolling down the sidewalk aisle.
Yes folks, if you're new around here, I am THAT cheesy.
We capped off the weekend with roomservice in bed before hitting the road back home.
It was a weekend for the books & If you're still here....thanks for sticking around for me to share it with you.
I took today off work to blog recover.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic start to their week!
Linking up with Sami for her weekend wrap up!
Well that looks like a fanFREAKingtastic bday weekend!! I can't tell which part looks the best but you can never go wrong with hot toddies and hot tubs. Glad it was awesome!!
Fabulous birthday weekend! I love it all, especially that you're off today.
I really REALLY want that metal chicken.
I love that you got to spend time where you got married. We got married on his grandparents farm (where his uncle lives now) and every time we go there I play some of our wedding songs on my iPod too.
That heart-shaped pizza is adorable!
The Hartungs Blog
What a lovely birthday weekend, nothing like being surrounded by the ones you love... and wine :)
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