Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend Update: The Anatomy of a List

You know what I love MOST about blogging?
(Outside of the relationships I've built of course)
All of the GREAT ideas I get from you gals! 
Everyday, every week, there's always new ideas & a fresh perspective to be found & I just love it.
The latest idea I've snagged is compliments of this crazy cat who loves Basset Hounds.
Make Lists.
I'm one of those crazy cats who just CAN'T sit still. I like to pretend like I'm one of those girls who can curl up on the couch with a great book & hot cup of coffee & just read the afternoon away.

Yeah frickin' right.
What I call relaxing on a Saturday is running frantically around the house starting 8 different projects & barely finishing one of them at days end.
So when Sarah mentioned she & her husband made a list of things they wanted to accomplish over a weekends time, I snatched that idea up like my Chihuahua eats her food.
And for the record, she eats super fast.
So with my newfound wisdom I approached this weekend with a different mentality.
A list making mentality. And I loved it.
Did my weekend consist of anything exciting to normal people?
  Hell no. 
But for my junk drawer, so super exciting.

 We bought a new laptop.
Finished plastering hearts all over my entire house in honor of Valentines Day.
Gave myself a French mani.
And hey, I managed to squeeze in about five miles on the pavement.

Good for my ass? Yes.  Good for my energy level?  Hell yes.
I smell many more lists in my future.
Now, time to take on another Monday morning.  But hey, at least I have a new mani. 

Makes a Monday morning SO much easier.
Linking up with Sami & should too.


Amy said...

Looks like a great and productive weekend!! I love "to-do" lists, they really help you keep accountable to getting things done! I should start doing that to make sure I get some productive in there with my weekend fun!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I am a list maker to the extreme!

Stopping by from the weekend linkup.

Angie said...

I SERIOUSLY couldn't function without my lists! I joke all the time and say I have lists for my lists. That may or may not be a joke! By the way, love all the hearts. I really need to spruce up my place with some "love in the air"

Sarah said...

Yessss! I love this and love that you got so many things accomplished!! I'm not sure if the hubs loves it but our weekend lists have really been helping us get things done! Go you!!

Kait said...

Let's discuss cutting off yo boobies for a minute. I would gladly have come to your party...and spoken with your same plastic surgeon to me a pair. All of this really just means...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?