Nice to meet you. My name's Anne. I used to blog here on the regular but decided to take the summer off.
A blogging sabbatical.
Ok, where did we leave off?
Summer 2015 in a nutshell: We sold our house, moved in with my parents, I started a new job, bought a new house, hired contractors to remodel new house, fired contractors and did it ourselves, Lara turned ONE, and no, I'm not pregnant with baby #2.
Let's break down the house thing.
Pre Move In |
We closed on our new house toward the end of May but didn't move into until June 11th. We crammed all of our things into the garage, packed a few suitcases and stayed with my parents for a couple weeks while the contractors remodeled the house.
It was such a well laid out we thought.
We ended up firing the contractors the day we moved in.
I'll never forget sitting on the couch with Jon that weekend; looking around at the walls that needed paint, the kitchen that was missing cabinet doors and our hardwood floors that were totally ruined from the contractors who had done absolutely nothing in the house those few weeks.
We were overwhelmed to say the least.
If it weren't for our selfless family, a few amazing friends and a very patient baby,
our house would still not feel like a home.
I'm going on the record saying all those house flipper people are absolutely out of their frickin' minds. I still to this day can't watch any of those shows on HGTV.
I mean, who signs up for this shit? Not I, ever again.
In fact, I've told Jon I'm never moving again.
That ship has sailed. And quite frankly, I think he agrees.
This summer there were tears, there was sweat and there were more tears. My husband, usually quite calm in demeanor, even lost his shit a few weeks before Lara's birthday party. We had invited over 50 people over to our home for her party, most seeing it for the first time, and the pressure was on.
I always knew I married a hard working man, but damn did I ever. He painted, ripped off the old deck, built a new deck, took care of our little girl, hung light fixtures and ceiling fans throughout the house, worked full time, ripped out our old kitchen countertops, installed tile floor in our bathroom, refinished our hardwoods, installed screen doors, took care of our little girl, installed new toilets, new faucets, hung backsplash and painted some more.
Best way to test a marriage?
Purchasing a "fixer upper."
Needless to say, after spending our summer covered in sweat & paint, we have thoroughly enjoyed these past few weekends relaxing at the lake with our sweet, baby girl and some great friends.
We forgot what relaxing felt like.

I fully intend on getting back in the swing of blogging. I've missed it. I've missed YOU.
Thanks for your patience while I did "life" this summer.
1 comment :
Aww yay for being back to blogging! It's so hard during the summer, but oh man this post makes me never want to do a fixer upper and I usually love those shows on HGTV, but know I would lose my shit trying to organize all that and make it all happen. Cheers to having a hard working husband and awesome family who made your house into a home!!
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