Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Great Xenos Move: Part One


That's the only word I can think of to describe the past 72 hours.  

As predicted, Friday morning was pure chaos.  Movers arrived around 8:30, saw all our crap, and became very concerned.  7 hours and a last minute U-Haul rental later, we were out.  

But let's back up to Thursday.  Thursday was Lara's last day with Miss Amanda...

To say it was a tough day would be a total understatement.  
Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I pulled into the parking lot.  

We have grown so attached to not only our daycare, but especially Amanda.  The hardest part of this move has been leaving behind a place that is SO near and dear to our hearts.  

I remember being around 15 weeks pregnant the day we toured BUGS for the first time.  From the moment we walked in the door, we knew it was right.  
100%, no doubt in our mind
This is where we would bring our tiny little baby.  
These are the people we would trust day in, day out.
Lizzi (below on the left) was there that very first day and was there on our last.  
She is also so special to us! 

Man....Thursday and Friday were hard days.  
They were days filled with goodbyes. 
Lara's last day was actually Friday and when I picked her up, she had learned to wave goodbye to all the teachers and all her little friends.  What a day to pick to learn this adorable new skill...
I was a mess.

Friday morning began as every morning does.  Coffee & toys.

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At 11:00 am, we officially purchased our new home.

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We did one final clean sweep.  And when I say "we," I mean my amazing mother.

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To see the nursery emptied was surreal.  And also very, very sad.

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Around 2:00 pm, we were totally out!  One last picture and we hit the road.

Have I mentioned the home we purchased is a total fixer upper?
Oh, no...I left that out?
I think I left it out in my mind to psychologically prepare for what we were walking into. 
Can we all say a big, what. the. hell.

Needless to say, our lives are still in boxes.  


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After digging thru boxes Friday evening we were able to put our lives somewhat back together, and finish out the day with a nice, cold beer.

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We are staying in my parents basement for the next few weeks while contractors remodel our home.  Needless to say, Lara is feeling the change the most.  She was up all night Saturday night so Sunday morning was spent like this...

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Below is where Lara spent her day, in between crying fits because we are in the midst of full blown teething over here.  Perfect timing, right? 

She's lucky she's so damn cute.

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While there's still A LOT of work to be done, we're making progress.
Thanks to an amazing, very hard working husband.
And some pretty damn awesome parents.

If you're having a great memorial day weekend full of rest & relaxation....screw you.


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