Friday, September 2, 2016

Fri-YAY Favorites!

I'm getting CRAY-ZY over here and throwing out a post that's NOT a lame 'ol "bumpdate." Is the old blogger Anne resurfacing.....??  Maybe.  

Or, perhaps I just really love Fridays and talking about all things happy is always fun. Because let's be honest, who couldn't use a little extra celebration in their lives??  

So today, let's talk about a few things I'm YAY'ing about as of late:

>>>>>My Mom will be home from Europe on Sunday!!<<<<

My mom and her 3 sisters have been gallivanting around London, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, you name it, for 15 days and I am missing her like CRAZY!  I can't tell you how many times I've gone to pick up the phone to call her.  Thankfully, we can text, so that's been nice, but just not the same.
I need my Momma back!

I am just so excited that Lara's going to have a sister, a BFF for life.
I can't wait to take off to Europe with my daughters someday!


Hallelujah to THAT, my friends.
This picture feels like it was taken 5 years ago.  And did I mention this was taken from a self timer on my DSLR?  We couldn't believe Lara actually sat still and looked at the camera!!

>>>>This weather has me like WHOA<<<<<  

This morning I walked outside and was literally cold, and it was glorious. And I most definitely added some pumpkin spice delight to my coffee.  
Hello, September! 

>>>>>Nursery progress!<<<<<

Y'all, we have been pumping out nursery tasks and I'm feeling SO much better about where we're at with it!  The crib is up, nursery furniture is arriving TODAY and besides ordering the glider this weekend, all that's left is decorating!  Oh, and folding adorable little nightgowns and putting them in the drawers. #NESTING
Y'all know I'm a sucker for colored cribs...

And this one was no different. It's a beautiful, rose pink and I am totally in love with it. 
 Can't wait to show y'all pics!

>>>And last, but certainly not least, I'm totally YAY'ing about how much Lara LOVES to potty!<<<

This girl is a POTTY MACHINE. Jon and I laugh all the time about how bizarre it is, because we literally have done nothing to really encourage it.  It's like she's a little pee machine. 
 She would rather pee on the potty than play with toys.  

We switched her to pull ups a few weeks ago, which was definitely a good decision.  That way we can slide them back on when she's done & not waste an entire diaper.

She runs in there, slides her pull ups totally off (because why would you leave your "panties" on while you pee??) and she goes potty. 
Then she hops up, wipes and flushes the toilet.  
Ummm....who is this child?? And where is my baby???

Alright, folks.  That's all I've got for today.

Hope y'all have a WONDERFUL holiday weekend!

Signing off,
Happy FriYAY!

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