Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Let's talk about sex running today.

Since there are quite a few new faces around here, I thought I'd give you a little background on what my flabby ass has been up to over the past few months.

For some crazy ass reason, I decided I'd take on the sport of running this past April.  I signed up for a local 5k scheduled for July 28th and hit the pavement. 

Mind you, I had HUGE knockers at the time.

We're talking H.U.G.E.

I can't believe I lugged these tata's around for 26 years.  I deserve a medal.  A boobie medal. 

Well, on May 3rd, I decided to say goodbye to the knockers.  Of course I had to throw a "Breast in Peace" soiree.  Want to read about it?  Go here.

I took a month off from training and got back in the saddle on the pavement. 

I credit my success in sticking with my training to a little app that i'm sure you ALL have heard tons about:  C25K (Couch-to-five-k).  Yes, I'll spell it out for you.  Why do people just expect that everyone knows what the hell C25K means?!  It took me a damn year to figure it out.  Acronym assholes. 

If you're an iPhone owner like mwah, the app looks like this:

It eases you in, day by day, week by week.  A little voice comes on, tells you when to get running and when to walk.  I have never been so thrilled when I hear that little chime saying, 'Now...walk.' 

My review:  Love the app, but only thru week 6.  The main issue is that it takes you from ZERO to 60 within a weeks time.  See above for Week 6 Day 1.

I mean, c'mon. 

Again, I definitely recommend if you are new to the whole running thing and hate it as much as my ass does.  Download this app.  Thank me later.

Another app I have a love affair with is the MapMyRun app.  It tracks all the major details of your run so you can compare your stats from week to week.  It also has the option to share via social media sites like Facebook & Twitter.  I personally don't blast my exercise sessions all over the internet.  They're for me to see how far I've come and give myself a little pat on the back ass.

Wait, you guys don't pat yourself on the ass?

Yes, I created a folder  on my iPhone called Run Your Ass Off.  I get my motivation anywhere I can get it.


I cannot stress that ENOUGH.  I learned this valuable lesson from one of my favorite bloggers, Amber.  Check out her post on shoes here.  I'm too lazy to explain.

Just trust me.  Your shoes will make or break your success with training.

What tips do you all have??  I love to hear from other new runners with any great ideas you have picked up along your journey. 

One question in can I take cold water on my runs without having to lug around a water bottle??  Please do share.


Amanda @ everyday b and b said...

I applaud you for taking up running and sticking with it! I'm excited to read about how the 5k goes!

Samantha said...

I have started running this year too! I have done a few 5ks and a warrior dash. I love the map my run app and use a similar training app called interval run that does basically the same thing, but it takes you all the way through the couch to 5k then gateway to 8k and then 1 hour runner. I am using it to train for a half in November! Good luck with your running :)

Amy G said...

Great post! I love the map my run app too! I also am a member of where you can post your runs and see how many miles you get in each week.It seems little but at the end of the year you see your stats add up huge! Plus they tell you how many donuts you burned off :) As for the carrying water, have you thought about a Fuel Belt? I ordered mine from Amazon and LOVE IT!

kjpugs said...

This is that eventual kind of step I keep telling myself I will do when I can afford the shoes and sports bras. My sports bras are all likely older than me and offer crappy support. I've been doing great doing Zumba and speed walking on the treadmill so I figure when it's cooler here in FL I have no excuse!!! And great job!!!!

Sarah said...

I need to get map my run! And yes, C25K they really aren't kidding around with that bump up to 20 minutes. You can do it though! I am on week 8 and still have to take a break in the middle of the 28 minutes to walk a little bit.
I have been listening to book tapes while I run (total dork) but it really helps the time go by quicker!

Jordan said...

Thanks for sharing the C25K app! I recently registered for my first 5k ever (Dirty Girl Mud Run in October) and running is a completely new thing to me so this is great! Good luck with your training :)

Amy Shaughnessy said...

Good for you for running! I really can't do it. I tried it once and about died so I never tried it again. My sister was addicted to running for a long time (lost a ton of weight) but then hurt her knee. Not too sure what happened...


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Alyssa said...

You mean people don't pat themselves on the ass? Really? What kind of world are we living in?!

Lauren said...

Looking forward to reading your posts and having you as a sponsor! :)


Janna Renee said...

Dang! Those are huge knockers and they definitely deserved their own soiree! I am loving your blog and can't wait to read more! As for the water, you could get a camelbak. Hubby uses those!

Kerry said...

I began running about a year ago also. I am signed up for a 5k this weekend (yikes!). A friend of mine drives her run route prior to running and puts frozen water bottles in the bushes:) She is a little crazy, but by the time she runs past the "water bush" it's melted enough for her to get a quick cold drink!

Anonymous said...

thanks for this post, I've been considering taking up running but wasn't sure where to start,going to download that app ASAP. I also have *ahem* big boobs and I was wondering if you have suggestions for good sports bras??

Sara K said...

I want to be a runner so bad, I want to be one of those moms in spandex pushing a double stroller every morning rain or shine, but after 2 weeks I threw in the towel... my mind just kept repeating 'this sucks, this sucks'... so I re-joined the gym for now and will maybe give it a shot later when the kids are a bit older. So much for my new years resolution, I'm so impressed that you've taken to it so well {and easily} you're a total inspiration {and riot} xo