First & foremost I want to say a BIG BIG Thank You to all the amazing women who have been following along for quite some time. The kind words you leave as comments always touch my heart!
I can't thank you enough, so saying thank you 18 times in the first paragraph of a post will have to do.
I can't thank you enough, so saying thank you 18 times in the first paragraph of a post will have to do.
And hello to all the beautiful new faces around here!
More often than not, people choose to read along & rarely ever say hello. But today, say hello. I want to get to know you gals & the only way to do that is to share our
deepest, darkest secrets with one another.
deepest, darkest secrets with one another.
But hey, a good "about me" does the body good.
Am I right or am I right?
In order to not totally bore you with the basics, like do I wipe front to back or back to front, I'm going to follow a fun little outline debuted by Dana awhile back.
And pefect timing, because I was tagged by this cutie patootie earlier this week to play along as well.
And pefect timing, because I was tagged by this cutie patootie earlier this week to play along as well.
5 Things
You'll find in my purse:
My Business Cards. Hey, a lady is always prepared.
My Business Cards. Hey, a lady is always prepared.
My makeshift survival kit, inclusive of tampons, a nail file & perfume.
A sweet note my Mom wrote me about 5 or 6 years ago. Been with me everyday since.
Bobby Pins. Because life is not complete without bobby pins.
About 50 receipts. No joke. Hello, my name's Anne & I'm a receipt hoarder.
You'll find in my bedroom:
You'll find in my bedroom:
My beloved sound machine. Waves & a crackling fire. Heaven on earth on my nightstand.
Condoms. Too personal? Nah.
My mouth guard. I'm a grinder & I know it.
A cup full of water. I will NOT go to sleep without a fresh glass of water bedside.
Super fun socks. There's just something about wild socks that just make me feel better.
Bizarre. I know.
Bizarre. I know.
I've always wanted to:
Run my own business & be successful at it.
Be a mom.
Wear a bikini. I've always been a bit too curvy for them, but hey, maybe one of these days.
Be a morning person. I suck at mornings & always have.
God Bless Coffee.
I'm currently loving:
Wear a bikini. I've always been a bit too curvy for them, but hey, maybe one of these days.
Be a morning person. I suck at mornings & always have.
God Bless Coffee.
I'm currently loving:
House Hunters.
I watch an average of 1-2 episodes PER DAY. Thank the LORD for DVR.
The rekindling of struggling relationships.

The rekindling of struggling relationships.
Wine. Always Wine.
The fact that tomorrow is my FRIDAY because Jon & I are taking the real Friday off work to take a little road trip to see Justin Moore in concert!!!
And, in true Anne fashion, it will all be documented on Instagram of course.
Follow along @annexenos.
And, in true Anne fashion, it will all be documented on Instagram of course.
Follow along @annexenos.
Quirks I have:
I hate underwear.
I hate underwear.
I take my bra off, wash my face & throw on sweats the MINUTE I get home from work.
I cuss. Alot.
Not my proudest attribute. I grew up with 2 older brothers, so I had to learn to talk tough at a young age.
I check out my own rack every morning in the mirror before I get in the shower.
Since having my reduction last May, I still can't believe their mine.
I rarely answer phone calls in the evening.
Being in sales, I have to be super accessible. So by the end of the day I'm SO tired of hearing my own voice the last thing I want to do is hear it some more.
Linking up with this cutie patootie (Shanna).
Not my proudest attribute. I grew up with 2 older brothers, so I had to learn to talk tough at a young age.
I check out my own rack every morning in the mirror before I get in the shower.
Since having my reduction last May, I still can't believe their mine.
I rarely answer phone calls in the evening.
Being in sales, I have to be super accessible. So by the end of the day I'm SO tired of hearing my own voice the last thing I want to do is hear it some more.
Linking up with this cutie patootie (Shanna).
Hey sexy lady! Teach me how to do that braid thing with my hair. THANK YOU!
I'm addicted to House Hunters too!!!!! I think of it as practice before I hunt for my own house!!
I love House Hunters! I get all excited when its a Nashville episode. I may have to borrow this post idea. :)
Oh girl my mouth is so bad. I think it's because I have to bottle it in at work.
Oh girl my mouth is so bad. I think it's because I have to bottle it in at work.
I laughed out loud when I read the 50 receipts thing - that is so me too!
Vanessa @ 7Jaded Creative
Custom blog designs starting at $55
We have so many similar quirks! Glad I'm not alone! :)
I've always wanted to wear a bikini too and I'm too curvy as well. Bummer.
I don't go anywhere without a full glass of water, especially to bed.
I only answer the phone for three people, ever: my dad, my BFF, and my husband. Everyone else gets a call back.
Husband gets SO mad at me for having receipts in my purse. I also always have about 75. I also strip to sweats the moment I get home too...its necessary.
This is sad but I actually started carrying a smaller purse just so I could force myself to get rid of my receipts!
I so need to hop on this 5 train - love learning more about freaking awesome you.
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