Sunday, February 8, 2015

Our Weekend in Photos

From Lara's first swim class to a night out on the town celebrating my 29th birthday to which we turned in for the night at around 9:30pm and it was glorious. Sunday was spent celebrating my handsome little nephews 7th birthday earlier this afternoon then wrapping up the beautiful day walking the gorgeous trails at our local Arboretum. It was a weekend that I hoped never end but sadly, here we are. Sunday evening. But hey, at least the Grammys are on! Speaking of the Grammys, can we talk about TSwifts fabulous dress for a second? GORG. 

I thought I'd share with ya'll some of my favorite snapshots. This weekend was too good not to document. 

Have a great Monday everyone. Pun intended, because let's just get real. Mondays frickin' suck.

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