Yes, sweet peas. You read that right. This bitch is rockin' around town in a new JEEP. Hell yes.

So, "It's OK (that it's only) Thursday" because i'm ridin'

That's my "I just bought a Jeep face!"
You know what else is ok? Apparently mowing while wearing an authentic Mexican sombrero decked out in gold fringe. At least in the redneck town I call home.

No that's not my husband.
Its also ok that I took 4 days off from my running routine, because I jumped back on the saddle yesterday in honor of National Running Day. Cut me some slack, I just got my boobs cut off.

It's ok that I spilled coffee all over my cream dress while running out the door the other morning....because it gave me an excuse to purchase this beauty.

It's ok that I have to lay out my husbands clothes for him. Listen, the boy purchased pheasant embroidered pants the year before we started dating. He actually wore them in my presence one time. He hasn't seen them since.

What's ok in your lives this week??
Hop on over to Amberand Neely to join in the Thursday vent sesh!
Congrats on the new ride! So exciting.
Where does one even get pheasant print pants? o_0 Nevermind, I don't want to know.
New cars are fun. Enjoy!!
haha your face!!!! love it!
Love! Total jeep envy right now. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Brianna from Real Housewives of OC? You totally do!
Love! Total jeep envy right now. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Brianna from Real Housewives of OC? You totally do!
LOVE your blog name!!! And congrats on the new car! So exciting!
YAY for the new car! I am loving it, girl!
I love your new jeep face! Was buying a car as stressful for you as it was for me?? I just bought one about 2 weeks ago and it was just awful. I am hoping that this car lasts forever so I never have to agonize again!
I love your blog and the title. My blog name is also stolen from a country song!!! :)
Aw congrats on the new ride!! Loving that green!!
PS-I have those hot pink shoes and LOVE em!! I get SO many compliments on them too!! I'm all about being loud at the gym lol
Congrats on the new car! Love the color!
yeah girl! i have a jeep and i love it!
oh what I wouldn't give for a jeep. you lucky dog you. I would also take that sombrero. I so wish that it was actually your husband ... oh that would have been great. ;)
I have a Jeep Patriot! What kind is yours? :) Apparently we have a club of some kind? ;)
Also...Pheasants? On pants? I seriously hope you got pictures before those went in the trash...
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