Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Things I Love.


Do you remember me?

I'm Anne.  And I blog around here.

And I love vodka.

Like big bottles of vodka.

I also love my girlfriends.

I love antiques....boy do I love antiques.  Combine that with a super handy husband & you can creat a little something like this.

I love that we leave for our cruise in T-4 days.

And last, but certainly not least.  I love Pinterest...can I get an AMEN. 

 I also love Link Ups.  So when I came across Katie & Stephs  fab new link up.  I knew I had to get in on that shizzzz.  'Speshially with all the DIY Halloween projects that have taken a dump in my house as of late.

Hello.  Perfect timing.

See you again tomorrow.

I know, two days in a row.

Can you frickin' believe it!?

I can't.


Unknown said...

i want that table - BAD ! your hubby did an awesome job !!
enjoy your cruise : )

Melissa {Persnickety Plates} said...

I love big bottles of vodka too!

Have fun on your cruise! We leave for Mexico in T-166 days ;)

Katie said...

OK so I first almost fainted b/c I'm dying over that antique table!! that is absolutely GORGEOUS woman. Did you get that idea from Pinterest? Secondly, I saw you included my name and I jumped for joy. Which project are you linking up tomorrow b/c I was totally going to do the $1 halloween vase that you inspired me to do?! But if you don't want me to-I won't! Just give me a heads up ASAP b/c obviously it's tomorrow hahah


Katie said...

PS-I was totally going to link to your blog too and give you credit :) duh

Monica said...

That table is awesome!

Domesticable said...

I LOVEEEEE THIS TABLE!!! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.


kjpugs said...

That table is AMAZINGGG! I would like three, please. Seriously jealous of his skillz!