Have you gals ever heard of Menard's? If you haven't, you are MISSING OUT.
Yes, the name "Menard's" is dreadful. Who the hell comes up with a name like that?
It actually kind of grosses me out.
But I digress...
Last weekend we popped by Menard's as we had a $40 rebate we needed to spend from purchasing some metal garage shelves last fall. Well, $250 later, we had spent our rebate and then some.
Those damn rebates will get you in the door and then they milk you for every last cent you have. However, this girl is NOT complaining because I scored this $69 close out BEAUTY of a patio set!


If you follow me on Instagram (@annexenos), you got a sneak peek of these pics last Friday. If you don't follow me on Instagram, why not?
Note to readers: Menard's did not pay me to write this, although they should have.
Looks great!
Love the new patio set!!! And when we lived in Indiana we had Menards but I never went there... I guess I was missing out!? I don't think they have them in FL though.
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