Thank the GOOD LORD almighty that it's ALREADY THURSDAY! Man I love holiday weekends because the week after flies by. 4 day weeks. I'll take it, bitch.
--It's OK that I had to take a 4 week sebaticle from training for my upcoming 5K in order to have a breast reduction...because I realized on my first run back this past Monday, that I still GOT IT. Boo ya. Man, running without having the weight of a small child hanging off your body is SO much easier. Phew.
--It's OK that I had a super weird dream that I was at my surgeons office and he had a contraption that could weigh my breasts. One weighed 15 lbs and the other weighed 5. Damn I'm glad i woke up because that would be one awkward looking chest.

--It's OK that our damn dryer broke.
--It's OK that I really should be re-painting my blue toenails right now in order to look more professional for work today. But instead, I'm blogging.
Priorities....schi-mor-ities. Is that a word?
--It's ok that we have watched 6 hours worth of gruesome blood battles & disturbing scenes this week due to the History's Channels "Hatfields & McCoys" movie. Disturbing, hell yes. But worth it, hell to the YES.

--It's OK that I watched a manly gruesome blood bath all week, because tonight is MY night to choose. NCAA Women's College World Series. YES PLEASE.
Did I mention I played college softball? Damn I miss it.
--Speaking of my 'ol softball days, it's been a YEAR since I've seen a couple of my FAVORITE gals that I grew up playing ball with because....and that's ok, because I get to see their FACES ON SATURDAY! We called ourselves "The Ruckus." I know, super intimidating, right?
--And lastly, IT'S OK that I signed up to bring chips & salsa for a work bbq this afternoon, however I ended up buying all the crap from the store. I'll throw it in a set of matching bowls and pretend that it's homemade. Don't judge.
As long as you have the matching bowls, who cares if it's homemade?! :)
I watched Hatfields & McCoys too! At first I was not interested, now, I want to see more! lol
I found your blog from the Its OK link up and I have browsed a few of your posts. Girl, you are hilarious! I can't wait to follow along :)
Haa! I always sign up to bring chips and salsa because A. it's my favorite snack and B. it's super easy to bring!! I think I could eat salsa with a spoon! ;)
Still creepin' on your blog. Did you go to Baker University in Kansas?! If not, stop reading there. But I went to MidAmerica Nazarene University.
Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that.
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