My focus as of late has been our entryway. We have the perfect little area for a sofa table and to be honest, I desperately NEED another little nook to decorate, throw keys, put frames on, etc.
My hold up is deciding between making it a DIY project or paying a bit more and saving the time. Decisions, decisions.
5 years ago I was deciding between a pitcher of beer or a double bourbon and diet. That's an easy one. BOURBON!
Now that I've got my bourbon, let's check out some pretty sofa tables. Bourbon and sofa tables. Wtf.

This last one the hubs would lurve as the sides are in the shape of an 'x'. With our last name staring with an 'X,' he's all about 'em.
In keeping up with Tara's Target Tuesday link up....I found this beauty.

The one I'm actually ready to buy, I found on Craigslist. I frickin' lurve Craigslist. LURVE IT.

Bourbon and Sofa Tables. Decisions, decisions.
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