Friday, February 10, 2012

Its's time for.....I frickin' love fridays.

There is NO better day of the week than a Friday.  So, let's celebrate because......well, it's Friday!

Plans for the weekend....dinner party with FABULOUS friends.

She's one of my frickin' favorites.
And the best frickin' neighbor award goes to......

Why the frick does she have to live in Seattle? Wish she could frickin' be there....

And...the frickin' hubs that I frickin' love

I also frickin' love my family....who I get to see on SATURDAY to celebrate my big 2-6!  Whoop. whoop.

Mi madre.

Then....bright and FRICKIN' early Sunday morning we are OFF to Winter Park, Colorado for a Mom-Dgtr Ski Trip.  Can't Frickin' Wait.

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